Frequent questions

  • Eledu Home packages are shipped via USPS or UPS to the contiguous United States.
  • The order preparation time is 1 to 2 business days if the item is in stock.
  • The estimated delivery time is 3 to 7 business days after the shipment.
  • You will receive a confirmation email once your order has been shipped.
  • Ground shipping is free for orders over $49 within the contiguous United States, although some items may be excluded.
  • Additional charges will apply for non-ground shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico.
  • Return Period: Returns are accepted within 7 days of receiving the product.
  • Return Process: Send an email to with your order details, the items you wish to return, and the reason for the return. The customer service team will provide you with instructions within 1-2 business days.
  • Return Conditions: Products must be in saleable condition, unused, undamaged, and with the original packaging (if applicable). Sale items are not eligible for return.
  • Inspection and Processing: Once the return is received, it will be inspected and processed within up to 5 business days.
  • Refund: You will receive an email notification once your return has been processed and the refund has been issued.
  • Order Cancellation: You can cancel an order within the first hour of placing it. Contact the customer service team via to request cancellation.

We accept credit card payments as well as Apple Pay and PayPal.

All of our products are handmade by Latin-American artisans. All of the materials that we use are sustainable, and include fique, iraca palm, organic pima cotton, glass, amongst others.

All of our products are handmade by Latin-American artisans.

Most of our napkins have the option to be monogrammed. Please note that monogrammed items are final sale and no returns/exchanges are allowed.

The following link includes our monogramming options:

All of our items are wrapped in our beautiful logo cloth bags which are perfectly presented as gift-wrapping.

Yes! All of our inventory is in stock at our Miami warehouse. We ship out orders within 1 to 2 business days. If you live in the Miami area we can deliver your order locally within 1-2 days, e-mail us at for any questions!

Most of our profits are donated to the Edu Foundation- providing kids with the life-saving skill of swimming.